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寧波奧德賽優惠價格 2021-03-15 14:26:02
丹尼斯購物卡能掛失么 2021-03-15 14:25:58
淘寶購物指紋驗證失敗 2021-03-15 14:24:44


發布時間: 2021-03-06 14:48:54

① 祝賀購車放什麼歌曲


② 海運常用的一些簡寫

Shipping-related Terms 航運有關術語

A. 承運人
Shipping Lines 航運公司
Common carriers 公共承運人
OCC Ocean Common Carrier 遠洋公共承運人
VOCC Vessel-Operating Common Carrier 船舶承運人
Vessel Sharing Carriers 共用艙位承運人
NVOCC 無船承運人
Master NVOCC 主裝無船承運人
Tendering NVOCC 交運貨物的無船承運人
Contract NVOCC 簽約無船承運人
MTO Multi-modal Transport Operator 多式聯運經營人
An MTO deals with all matters in relation to the conveyance of cargo entrusted to him from the point of shipment to the place of delivery, documentation and arrangements with sub-contractors at various breaking points to facilitate expeditious movement of cargo. In most cases it is necessary for him to appoint agents or correspondents at various points or even maintain subsidiary concerns at important transshipping points to attend to all the work necessary in connection with the movement of cargo. He assumes responsibility for the performance of the contract.
MTO Marine Terminal Operator 海運碼頭經營者
Vessel Operation MTO 經營多式聯運的船舶承運人
NVO-MTO may be a road operator/rail operator/
airline operator/freight forwarder 不營運船舶的多式聯運經營人
Controlled Carrier 受控承運人
Rates must be 「just and reasonable」 - compensatory.
30 days notice required to increase or rece tariff rates.運價的上漲和下調登記30天後生效
Conference Carrier 公會承運人
Independent carriers 獨立承運人
9th largest carrier serving the US 美線第9大承運人
Consortium ( Group of carriers pooling resources in a trade lane
to maximize their resources effectively ) 聯盟
Alliance 聯盟

B. 競爭
Competitors 競爭對手
Player 競爭參與者(對手)
Foreclose from 。。排斥在外
To preserve legitimate competition among all common carriers

C. 運輸模式、網路
Transportation Network 運輸網路
Penlum Service 鍾擺式服務模式
Loop Service 環扣式服務模式
Trunk Service / Line 干線
Feeder Service vessel employed in normally short sea routes to fetch or carry
goods/containers to and from ocean-going vessels 支線
Common Feeder 公共支線
Coastal Transport 沿海運輸
Barge / Lighter 駁船

D. 船
Self-owned Vessels 自有船
Time-chartered Vessels 期租船
Inbound Vessel / Homebound 進口(回程)船
Outgoing / Outbound Vessel 出口船
Liner Vessel plying a regular trade against a published sailing schele 班輪
Slot Space on board a vessel occupied by a container 箱位

E. 航班 / 次
A weekly sailing 周班
A fixed day sailing 定日航班
A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班
A fortnight sailing 雙周班
A bi-weekly sailing 周雙班
A monthly sailing 每月班
On-schele arrival / departure 准班抵離
Sailing frequency 航次密度
ETA Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 預計到達時間
ETB Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 預計靠泊時間
ETCD Estimated Time of Commencing Discharge 預計開卸時間
ETCL Estimated Time of Commencing Loading 預計開裝時間
ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 預計離泊時間
The sailing Schele/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。 船期/船舶如有變
Closing Date Last day on which export cargo can be accepted 截止申報時間
for a nominated sailing.
Cut-off time Latest possible time the cargo may be delivered to 截關日
the vessel or designated point。

F. 港
FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美國聯邦海事委員會
Base Port 基本港
POD Port of Discharge (DPORT) / port of delivery 卸港
POD place of delivery 卸貨地
Port of Arrival / Departure 抵達 / 駛離港
POL Port of Loading (LPORT) 裝港
Port of Call 掛港
2nd Leg 第二掛港
FND Final Destination 交貨目的地
end of carrier liability where carrier delivers the cargo to consignee
Skip Over 跳(甩)港
Change of port of call 改港
Optional Port 選擇港
COD Change of Destination 更改目的地(改港)
COV Change of vessel 改船
Deviate 彎(繞)港
Diversions the route of a shipment changed in transit from that shown on B/L 彎港
Port congestion 壓港(港口擁擠)
Lay Time in Port 在港裝卸時間

Intercoastal water service between points on the Atlantic and
the Pacific Coasts 美國東西岸水路運輸
Intermodal movement of cargo or container between motor,rail or water carriers 多式聯運
Port / Port 9 港口/碼頭(上港九區)
Dock 碼頭
Quay 碼頭
Terminal 班輪靠泊碼頭
Container Terminal also referred to as a Container Yard (CY), A facility that
receives full export containers from one shipper to loading
the vessel and delivers full import containers to the consignee
after; it is the same location where ocean vessels are loaded
& unloaded. 集裝箱碼頭
Wharf 靠泊碼頭
Jetty 突堤碼頭
STEVES Stevedores 碼頭工人
Docker 碼頭工人
Berth 泊位
Loading Berth 裝箱泊位
Quayside / Apron 碼頭前沿
Depot container freight station or a designated area where empty
containers can be picked up or dropped off 集裝箱堆場/儲運站
Container Loading List 集裝箱裝船報
Bay plan 預配圖 / 集裝箱船積載圖(表)
Slot No。 艙位(號碼)
Pallet A platform with/without sides,on which packages
may be loaded to facilitate handling 托盤
Stacking Yard 集裝箱堆場
Bay number 排數
Row number 列數
Tier number 層高數
L/W/H Length/Width/Height 長/寬/高
On Deck containers 甲板以上裝箱
Under Deck containers ( below ship containers) 甲板以下裝箱
The ratio of under deck and on deck containers
being 3 : 1 甲板上與艙內箱位數量比3:1
Deck storage, normally treated as being stowed under deck,
is definitely prone to accidents. 雖風險較大甲板裝箱仍應視同艙內裝箱
The capacity utility rate 箱位利用率
Load Factor percentage of loaded containers against total capacity
of vessel or allocation 裝船率(所裝箱量佔全船箱位或口岸配額之比例)
TDR Terminal Departure Report 離碼頭報告

Pack/Stuff/Van (-ing) stowing cargo in a container 裝箱
Devanning the removal of cargo from a container。
Also known as unstuffing,unpacking,unloading or stripping 拆箱
Consolidation ( the combination of many small shipments into one container ) 拼裝
CLP Container Load Plan A document prepared to show all details of cargo
loaded in a container e.g. weight ( indivial and total), measurement,
markings, shippers, consignees, the origin & destination of goods
and location of cargo within the container 集裝箱配載圖
Container Number the unique identification of a container 箱號
Seal 集裝箱箱封
Container Seal Number the number of high security seals provided by the carrier 箱封號
Locked and Sealed 集裝箱已鎖妥、封好
Partial Shipment 分批裝運

IPI interior point intermodal 內陸公共點多式聯運
Shore Crane / Gantry Crane 岸吊
Portainer 集裝箱岸吊
Mobile Crane 汽車吊
Fork Lift 叉車
Loading Platform 裝卸平台

J. 保稅
Bonded Area 保稅區
Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保稅貨物
Bonded Warehouse 保稅庫
Caged stored at bonded warehouse 進入海關監管

K. 集卡
Road Transportation 公路運輸
Lorry with IC Card 有白卡的集卡
Chassis a wheeled flat bed or a trailer to accommodate
containers moving over the road 集卡
Tractor 牽引車/拖頭
Low-bed 低平板車
Trailer 拖車
Transporter 拖車
DST Double Stack Train,capable of carrying 2 x 40』 可裝2個高(雙層)的火車
Trucking Company 車隊(汽車運輸公司)
Haulage / Drayage 駁運/汽車陸運
Truck Transfer 汽車駁運
Axle load 軸負荷
Tire-load 輪胎負荷
Toll Gate 收費口

L. 船代
Shipping agent 船舶代理
Local shipping agent 當地船代
Handling Agent 操作代理
Booking Agent the party who secures FOB cargo 訂艙代理
Shipping Agency network 代理網路
Boarding Agent / Clerk 代理外勤(登輪)
Cargo Canvassing 攬貨
FFF Freight Forwarding Fee 貨代傭金
Brokerage / Commission 傭金
M. 供應
Procurement 采購
Ship-chandler 船舶供應商
Bunker Supplier 船舶燃料供應公司
Seamen』s Club 海員俱樂部
Travel Agency 旅行社
Couriers UPS/TNT/HDS/EMS 快遞

N. 訂艙
NVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 無船承運人
Booking 訂艙
Booking Note 訂艙單
Booking Number 訂艙號
Dock Receipt a form used to acknowledge receipt of cargo at a pier 場站收據
M/F (Manifest ) a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 艙單
Cable/Telex Release 電放
A Circular Letter 通告信/通知書
PIC Person in Charge 具體負責操作人員
The said party 所涉及的一方
On Board B/L A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed
on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C On Board提單
Shut-Out containers/goods not carried on intended vessel 漏裝箱
Missed Voyage Container 漏裝箱
Cancellation 退關箱

In bound vessel or cargo going to port of discharge or final destination 進口
In transit 中轉
Transportation hub 中轉港
Strategically located hubs 地處戰略要地的中轉港
T/S Transshipping / Transshipment 轉運/轉口
MLB Mini-Land Bridge / Mini-Bridge
cargo moving from/to an inland destination on one B/L
from/to a foreign port through 2 US ports 小陸橋
Mislaid in transit 中轉途中錯卸
BP Base Port 基本港
Prompt release 即時放行
Permit for its unloading 允許卸船
PTT Permit to Transfer 中轉貨出港放行證
Transit time 航程時間 / 中轉時間
Cargo availability at destination in。。 貨物運抵目的地
Second Carrier (第)二程船
On carriage / second carriage 二程運輸

③ 所有的交通工具有哪些





double decker bus雙層公共汽車

coach, motor coach, bus大客車

taxi, taxicab計程汽車, 出租汽車


tramcar, streetcar電車, 有軌電車

underground, tube, subway地鐵

air train, H-Bahn空中軌道列車


boat, ship船

(passenger) liner郵輪, 客輪

sailing boat, sailing ship帆船


(ocean) liner遠洋班輪

packet boat定期客船, 班輪



life buoy救生圈


civil aviation民用航空

plane, aircraft, airplane飛機


jet, supersonic plane噴氣機

airliner, passenger aircraft客機

medium-haul aircraft中程飛機

long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft遠程飛機

propeller-driven aircraft螺旋槳飛機

jet (aircraft)噴氣飛機

turbofan jet渦輪風扇飛機



hot-air balloon熱氣球




④ parasailing和paraglider有什麼區別

parasailing n.(由汽船、汽車等牽引在空中滑翔的)帆傘運動,水上拖傘運動
paraglider n.滑翔傘;滑翔傘運動員(指人)

⑤ parasailing什麼意思




⑥ 炮車音樂

高潮DJ 動感DJ 其他 1.95 M 27/1 2008-05-29
DJ 很酷的 動感DJ 其他 3.53 M 29/0 2008-05-29
DJ徐千雅 做上火車去拉薩 動感DJ 其他 3.10 M 11/0 2008-05-29
DJ等愛的玫瑰 動感DJ 其他 1.73 M 7/0 2008-05-29
DJ做你的愛人 動感DJ 其他 2.15 M 4/0 2008-05-29
快感迪吧 動感DJ 其他 3.26 M 1/0 2008-05-29
比yeyeye還爽 動感DJ 其他 0.48 M 2/0 2008-05-29
DJ自由飛翔 動感DJ 其他 1.66 M 9/1 2008-05-29
DJ搖久迪吧 動感DJ 其他 3.01 M 3/0 2008-05-29
DJ好聚好散 動感DJ 其他 2.20 M 3/0 2008-05-29
A8我不後悔DJ 動感DJ 其他 2.00 M 4/0 2008-05-29
A8歡喜就好D 動感DJ 其他 2.26 M 6/0 2008-05-29
A8一萬個理由DJ 動感DJ 其他 2.56 M 1/0 2008-05-29
A8黑龍回心轉意 動感DJ 其他 2.92 M 0/0 2008-05-29
DJ男聲香水有毒 動感DJ 其他 2.22 M 2/0 2008-05-29
A8狼愛上養 動感DJ 其他 2.82 M 3/0 2008-05-29
zd 其他 0.98 M 4/0 2008-05-29
DJ太多 原創 0.98 M 4/0 2008-05-29
分飛2004Remix(彈)dj 其他 3.40 M 4/0 2008-05-29
DJ堅強 動感DJ 其他 2.04 M 1/0 2008-05-29
DJ我一直在路上 動感DJ 其他 2.06 M 1/0 2008-05-29
DJ不要在我難過的時候說愛 動感DJ 其他 0.85 M 3/0 2008-05-29
經典POP2 動感DJ 其他 0.86 M 2/0 2008-05-29
DJ站在高崗上 動感DJ 其他 0.96 M 6/0 2008-05-29
DJ歡喜就好 動感DJ 其他 1.49 M 1/0 2008-05-29
堅強 動感DJ 其他 1.87 M 0/0 2008-05-29
新版回心轉意 動感DJ 其他 0.85 M 2/0 2008-05-29
濤聲依舊 動感DJ 其他 1.06 M 4/0 2008-05-29
DJ康定情歌 動感DJ 其他 1.35 M 5/0 2008-05-29
摺子戲 動感DJ 其他 1.58 M 3/0 2008-05-29
DJ我不是壞男人 動感DJ 其他 1.33 M 3/0 2008-05-29
DJ不想讓你哭 動感DJ 其他 2.45 M 1/0 2008-05-29
DJ東南西北風 動感DJ 其他 1.03 M 7/0 2008-05-29
DJ大家不要停 動感DJ 其他 1.47 M 2/0 2008-05-29
DJ音樂無疆界 動感DJ 其他 1.26 M 2/0 2008-05-29
DJ你怎麼捨得我難過 動感DJ 其他 0.84 M 2/0 2008-05-29
DJ分手的理由 動感DJ 其他 0.98 M 0/0 2008-05-29
DJ等一分鍾 動感DJ 其他 0.82 M 2/0 2008-05-29
DJ誰說你長得不是很美 動感DJ 其他 2.47 M 0/0 2008-05-29
DJ如果你嫁給我 動感DJ 其他 2.05 M 2/0 2008-05-29
001愛的細語There's A kind of Hush卡朋特.mp3
002愛你在心口難開Love More Than I Can Say勞 塞兒.MP3
003愛情魔葯NO9 LOVE POTION NO.9紳士合唱團.mp3
004愛情萬年青Ever Green史翠珊.mp3
005安妮之歌Annie's Song 約翰丹佛.mp3
006巴比倫河The River of Babylon波尼.M.mp3
007把最好的留到最後SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST威廉姆斯.MP3
009伴我吉他inside my guitar約翰 丹佛.mp3
010幫我度過漫漫長夜help me make it through the night--Sammi Smith.mp3
011奔放的旋律Unchained melody 正直兄弟.mp3
012別讓我失望don't let me down甲克蟲.mp3
013別在星期天never on sunday--connie francis.mp3
014不顧一切的愛making love out of nothing at all--air supply.mp3
015插曲interlude - timi yuro .mp3
016長青樹evergreen tree - cliff richard.mp3
018成為我自己let it be me - glen campbell_bobbie gentry .mp3
019乘噴汽機離去Leaving On a Jet Plane Chantal Kreviazuk.mp3
020此情可待Right Here Waiting理查 馬克思.mp3
021從未成為自己(I've Never Been To Me) Charlene D'Angelo .mp3
022從遠方(FROM A DISTANCE)貝蒂.密德勒.mp3
023大大的世界big big world艾米莉.mp3
024大偽裝者the great pretender--THE PLATTERS.mp3
026丹尼男孩danny boy - johnny cash .mp3
027單程車票ONE WAY TICKET 卡爾.mp3
028當男人愛上女人 WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN--邁克 伯頓.mp3
029當你沉默無語When You Say Nothing At All--RONAN KEATING.mp3
030多娜多娜donna donna 瓊 貝茲.mp3
031多少柔情多少淚summer kisses winter tears 貓王.mp3
032多一個夜晚one more night--phil collins.mp3
033放開我release me--Dean Martin.MP3
034風信子windflowers - seals_crofts .mp3
035風中塵埃st in the wind - kansas .mp3
037該怎樣就怎樣Whatever Will Be,Will Be 卡朋特.mp3
038感謝上帝我是鄉村之子THANK GOD I'M A COUNTRY BOY約翰丹佛.mp3
039高高的落嘰山Rocky Mountain High約翰丹佛.mp3
040告訴羅拉我愛她tell laura i love her--ray peterson.mp3
041狗和蝴蝶dog and butterfly - heart .mp3
042孤枕難眠i don't like to sleep alone--paul ankai don't like to sleep alone--paul anka.mp3
043關塔那美拉guantanamera - the sandpipers .mp3
044哈羅Hello萊昂內爾 里奇.mp3
046嘿朱迪Hey Jude 甲克蟲.mp3
047花落誰家where have all the flowers gone - pete seeger .mp3
048黃河鎮yellow river.mp3
049回來get back甲殼蟲.mp3
050婚禮the wedding--andres.mp3
給分吧 嘿嘿

⑦ voyage,travel,sail,trip,tour,journey的辨析

journey、voyage、trip、tour、travel [閱讀:477]


1. journey指從一地到另一地,通常指陸地上的遠距離「旅行」,有時也可以表示經常走的或長或短的「路程」。只作名詞。例如:
I took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year.
-- How long is your journey to school? --Only about 10 minutes.

2. voyage主要指遠距離的水上旅行,也可以指空中旅行意思為「航海、航空、航行」等。只作名詞。例如:
She usually gets seasick ring the voyage.
They made a voyage across the Pacific by air.

3. trip 一般指時間短、距離近的「旅行、遠足」,也可以指長途旅行。在非正式用語中可代替journey。只作名詞。例如:
We made a boat trip to the island last week and had a good time.
I will be on a trip to / journey to the south next summer holiday.

4. tour 著重指旅行線路比較曲折,常表示「(周遊各地的)參觀、訪問、(巡迴)旅遊、視察、購物、演出」等意思。可作動詞和名詞。例如:
I will tour the world in the future.
My father has gone down-town on a shopping tour.

5. travel作「旅行、游歷」解,一般表示從一地到另一地旅行這一總的概念。常指長時間、遠距離的「旅行」。尤指出國旅行。可作動詞和名詞。其復數形式意思為「旅遊筆記」、「游記」。例如:
At present, many people are fond of travel in their spare time.
I am reading a book about the travel to North Pole.
They came home after years of foreign travel.
Light travels faster than sound.

1.The ________ from America to France used to take two months.
2.How did you enjoy your ________ in Europe?
3.I go to work by train, and the ______ takes half an hour.
4.He made a five-month _______ of India and the Far East.
5.He took us on a _____ of his new house.
6.The ______ across the sea was smooth.
7.She had been away on a long _______ .
8.I don』t believe we』ll be able to afford any _____ .
9.Will you please bring back some sugar on your next _____ to the kitchen?
10. _______ were arranged for the foreign visitors to see the Great Wall.

Key: 1.voyage 2.travels 3.trip/journey 4.tour 5.tour 6.voyage 7.trip/journey 8.travel 9.journey 10.Tour


At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her. At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her. 起初我擔心她不能行這樣遠的路。
I wish you a good journey. I wish you a good journey. 祝你)一路平安。
We went on a guided tour of Italy that included stops at Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome. Florence and Rome. 我們在導游的帶領下游覽了義大利, 包括米蘭,威尼斯,佛羅倫薩和羅馬。
They are now making a bridal tour. They are now making a bridal tour. 他們正在新婚旅行。
I go to work by train, and the trip takes 40 minutes. y train, and the trip takes 40 minutes. 我坐火車上班, 路上花40分鍾。
I can」t afford a trip to Europe. t afford a trip to Europe. 我負擔不起去歐洲旅遊的費用。
This trip was cancelled because of the snowstorm. This trip was cancelled because of the snowstorm. 因為暴風雪, 旅行取消了。
The travels of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. ve ever read. 馬可波羅的游記是我生平讀過的最有意思的一本書。
Is he back from his travels yet? Is he back from his travels yet? 他游歷回來了嗎?


1. 帆,蓬[C][U]
2. 乘船航行,乘船游覽[S]
They took a sail to Dover.
3. 帆狀物;(風車的)翼板[C]
1. 航行,(坐船)游覽[Q]
2. 啟航,開船[Q]
Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong Kong.
3. (鳥、飛機等)(輕快地)飛行;(魚等)浮游;(女人)風姿綽約地走[Q]
1. 在...上航行;飄過;飛過
Clouds are sailing the skies.
2. 駕駛(船)
Can you sail a boat?

⑧ parasailing、white water rafting是什麼意思 好像是兩個運動的名稱,

parasailing:(由汽船、汽車等牽引在空中滑翔的) 帆傘運動
white water rafting:好像是由摩托艇拉著的沖浪

⑨ 「船」的英文有那幾種

(1)boat英 [bəʊt] 美 [boʊt] n.小船,小艇;輪船,vi.乘船,劃船,vt.用船運輸;用船裝運。


(2)dredger英 [ˈdredʒə(r)] 美 [ˈdrɛdʒɚ] n.挖泥船;撒粉器。



(3)fireboat英 ['faɪəbəʊt] 美 ['faɪəˌboʊt] n.救火船。



(4)warship英 [ˈwɔ:ʃɪp] 美 [ˈwɔ:rʃɪp] n.軍艦,戰艦。



(5)freighter英 [ˈfreɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈfretɚ] n.貨船;租船人,裝貨人,貨主,承運人

