A. 超市常用英語詞彙
discount 折扣
We give a 20% discount for cash. 現金付款,我們給予八折優惠。
label 標簽
The label on this sweater says it is a small size. 毛衫標簽顯示衣服是小號。
refund 退款
This computer doesn』t work properly. I』d like to claim a refund.
clearance 清倉大拍賣
This shopping mall is having a big clearance sale.
ring something up 將某物(在收銀機)結
The salesperson rang up all my items and the total price came to 1000 yuan.
factory second 殘次品、瑕疵品
This jacket is actually a factory second, so it is quite inexpensive.
in stock (商店等中)有現貨、有庫存
Do you have my size of shoes in stock?龍活虎 你們有我能穿的鞋的現貨嗎?
out of stock(商店等中)無現貨、(商品)脫銷
The book is out of stock. 該書已脫銷。
B. 超市購物常用英語單詞
go shopping 2009-05-30 20:24:02 來自: 翩音縈弦(Ie Chemin obligatoire)
餅干類 Biscuits
零嘴 Snacks
各式洋芋片 Crisps
寵物食品 Pet. Food
糖業類 Confectionery
廁所用品 Toiletries
谷類食品 Cereals
家禽類 Poultry
各式腌菜 Pickles
以下將常用的食品的中英對照作整理, 以方便大家采購:
A. 肉品類 (雞, 豬, 牛)
B. 海產類
C. 蔬果類
D. 其它
A. 肉品類 (雞, 豬, 牛)
雞 以身體部位分:
大雞腿 Fresh Grade Legs
雞胸肉 Fresh Grade Breast
小雞腿 Chicken Drumsticks
雞翅膀 Chicken Wings
豬肉 則分:
絞肉 Minced Steak
豬肝 Pigs Liver
豬腳 Pigs feet
豬腰 Pigs Kidney
豬心 Pigs Hearts
豬肚 Pig bag
沒骨頭的豬排 Pork Steak
連骨頭的豬排 Pork Chops
卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork loin
卷好的腰部瘦肉連帶皮 Rolled Pork Belly
做香腸的絞肉 Pork sausage meat
醺肉 Smoked Bacon
小里肌肉 Pork Fillet
帶骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib Pork chops
小排骨肉 Spare Rib of Pork
肋骨 Pork ribs (ps 可煮湯食用)
漢堡肉 Pork Burgers
一塊塊的肉 Pork-pieces
豬油滴 Pork Dripping
豬油 Lard
蹄膀 Hock
中間帶骨的腿肉 Casserole Pork
有骨的大塊肉 Joint
小塊的瘦肉 Stewing Beef
牛肉塊加牛腰 Steak & Kidney
可煎食的大片牛排 Frying steak
牛絞肉 Minced Beef
大塊牛排 Rump Steak
牛鍵肉 Leg Beef
牛尾 OX-Tail
牛心 OX-heart
牛舌 OX-Tongues
帶骨的腿肉 Barnsley Chops
肩肉 Shoulder Chops
腰上的牛排肉 Porter House Steak
頭肩肉筋、油較多 Chuck Steak
拍打過的牛排 Tenderized Steak
牛腸 Roll, 牛筋 Cowhells, 蜂窩牛肚 Honeycomb Tripe
牛肚塊 Tripe Pieces, 白牛肚 Best thick seam
B. 海產類
鯡 Herring
鮭 Salmon
鱈 Cod
鮪魚 Tuna
比目魚 Plaice
鱆魚 Octopus
烏賊 Squid
花枝 Dressed squid
鯖 Mackerel
北大西洋產的鱈魚 Haddock
鱒魚 Trout (ps適合蒸來吃)
鯉魚 Carp
鱈魚塊 Cod Fillets (可做魚羹,或炸酥魚片都很好吃)
海鰻 Conger (Eel)
海鯉 Sea Bream
鱈魚類 Hake
紅鰹 Red Mullet (可煎或紅燒 來吃)
熏鮭* Smoked Salmon
帶有黑胡椒粒的熏鯖* Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn
鯡魚子 Herring roes
鱈魚子 Boiled Cod roes
海鮮 則有:
牡 Oyster
蚌 Mussel(黑色、橢圓形、沒殼的即為淡菜)
螃蟹 Crab
蝦 Prawn
蟹肉條 Crab stick
蝦仁 Peeled Prawns
大蝦 King Prawns
田螺 Winkles
小螺肉 Whelks Tops
小蝦米 Shrimps
小貝肉 Cockles
龍蝦 Lobster
馬鈴薯 Potato
紅蘿卜 Carrot
洋蔥 Onion
茄子 Aubergine
芹菜 Celery
包心菜 White Cabbage
紫色包心菜 Red cabbage
大黃瓜 Cucumber
蕃茄 Tomato
小紅蘿卜 Radish
白蘿卜 Mooli
西洋菜 Watercress
玉米尖 Baby corn
玉米 Sweet corn
白花菜 Cauliflower
蔥 Spring onions
大蒜 Garlic
姜 Ginger
大白菜 Chinese leaves
大蔥 Leeks
芥菜苗 Mustard & cress
青椒 Green Pepper
紅椒 Red pepper
黃椒 Yellow pepper
洋菇 Mushroom
綠花菜 Broccoli florets
綠皮南瓜 Courgettes (形狀似小黃瓜,但不可生食)
香菜 Coriander
四季豆 Dwarf Bean
長形平豆 Flat Beans
透明包心菜 Iceberg
萵苣菜 Lettuce
蕪菁 Swede or Turnip
秋葵 Okra
辣椒 Chillies
小芋頭 Eddoes
大芋頭 Taro
蕃薯 Sweet potato
菠菜 Spinach
綠豆芽 Beansprots
碗豆 Peas
玉米粒 Corn
高麗小菜心 Sprot
水果 類有:
檸檬 Lemon
梨子 Pear
香蕉 Banana
葡萄 Grape
黃綠蘋果 Golden apple (脆甜)
綠蘋果 Granny smith (較酸)
可煮食的蘋果 Bramleys
桃子 Peach
橙 Orange
草莓 Strawberry
芒果 Mango
菠蘿 Pine apple
奇異果 Kiwi
楊桃 Starfruit
蜜瓜 Honeydew-melon
櫻桃 Cherry
棗 子Date
荔枝 lychee
葡萄柚 Grape fruit
椰子 Coconut
無花果 Fig
D. 其它
長米 Long rice (較硬,煮前最好先泡一個小時)
短米 Pudding rice or short rice (較軟)
糙米 Brown rice
泰國香米* THAI Fragrant rice
糯米* Glutinous rice
高筋麵粉 Strong flour
中筋麵粉 Plain flour
低筋麵粉 Self- raising flour
小麥麵粉 Whole meal flour
砂糖 Brown sugar(泡奶茶、咖啡適用)
紅糖 dark Brown Sugar(感冒時可煮姜湯時用)
白砂糖 Custer sugar(適用於做糕點)
糖粉 Icing Sugar(可用在打鮮奶油及裝飾蛋糕外層)
冰糖 Rock Sugar
面條 Noodles
方便麵 Instant noodles
醬油 Soy sauce(分生抽淺色及老抽深色兩種)
醋 Vinegar
太白粉 Cornstarch
麥芽糖 Maltose
芝麻 Sesame Seeds
麻油 Sesame oil
蚝油 Oyster sauce
胡椒 Pepper
辣椒粉 Red chilli powder
芝麻醬 Sesame paste
腐皮 Beancurd sheet
豆腐 Tofu
西賈米 Sago
椰油 Creamed Coconut
味精 Monosim glutamate
花椒 Chinese red pepper
豆鼓 Salt black bean
魚干 Dried fish
海帶 Sea vegetable or Sea weed
綠豆 Green bean
紅豆 Red Bean
黑豆 Black bean
大紅豆 Red kidney bean
冬菇 Dried black mushroom
酸菜 Pickled mustard-green
粉絲 Silk noodles
燕菜 Agar-agar
米粉 Rice-noodle
竹筍罐頭 Bamboo shoots
八角 Star anise
餛飩皮 Wantun skin
干粟子 Dried chestuts
金針 Tiger lily buds
紅棗 Red date
荸薺罐頭 Water chestnuts
木耳 Fungus (an edible fungus)
蝦米 Dried shrimps
腰果 Cashewnuts
C. 超市購物英語作文100
I guess you are the management of XX Supermarket.
I'd like to talk to you.About the
Yesterday I went to XX Supermarket to buy
something to eat.I found something special and unusual,so I ask a waiter for help.It was terrible.The waiter who I asked was so impolite that I was very angry.She wasn't patient.In the end,she left without saying a word!
I think you should teach her how to treat a conctor!
Thank you .
D. 寫一個關於超市購物的英語作文50詞,要求:優勢與劣勢,超市購物為什麼有趣,初一水平
shopping in the supermarket
Nowadays , Shopping in the supermarket becomes an important part of our life ,the advantage is that we can buy all kinds of things we need just in such a place , we don't need to buy things in diffrent places , the disadvantage is that sometimes some procts of the supermarket might be a little more expensive than those procts outside , but it is interesting to shop in the supermarket because there are a lot of people shop there ,and maybe you can meet your friends who shop there ,some times you can save your money because of the sales promotion there.
E. 題目:去超市購物 英語作文
第一篇Today I went shopping with my mother and my
brother. We went to 「Ji Mai Long」 to buy some things. There are lots of things
in it.Some about eating, some about drinking and some about working. I like
reading books very much, so I went to the second floor to read books. My mother
bought some vegetables and meat with my brother. For about half an hour, we
paid money for things, then went home together 。第二篇 wo!Today, I went shopping with mymother. There were lots of things in the supermarket. There were lots of books on Shelf A. there were toys and balls on Shelf B. there were pens and pencils on Shelf C. There are lots of fruits on Shelf D. There are clothes on Shelf E. I bought a new pen, a toy plane and a football. My mother bought some fruits, a shirt and some fish. We have a good time today.
F. 寫一篇周日去超市購物的小短文(至少5句)英語作文
I went shopping on Sunday with some bags. There're so many people in the shop. As quickly as I can, I got the stuffs I need and planed to pay for these. Luckily, I didn't wait too long. Finally, I carried my things home with pleasure.
G. 去超市購物 英語作文 50字左右
Last Saturday,Yang Ping went to the supermarket.She wanted to buy something for her sister because that day was her sister's birthday.She walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress.She thought her sister would like it.The dress cost fifty yuan,but Yang Ping decided to buy it.When her sister got this present,she was very happy.
H. 關於超市購物的英語作文,60詞的,急啊!
Going to the supermarket is very convenient. Everything is right there to be bought, from vegetables to MP3 players. As we all know, efficiency is very important in the modern world.
On the other hand, we lose some things by going to supermarkets. Transactions are less personal than they would be in smaller, family-run stores. And the quality in large stores that target masses of customers is obviously not as good as handmade procts. Uniqueness is gone.
Like many changes happening in society now, the trend of going to supermarkets has increased expedience but decreased the fine quality and personal touch that used to characterize shopping.
I. 超市的英文怎麼說
1、The supermarket;
3、A supermarket;
4、In supermarket。版
英式音標讀權作:['suːpəmɑːkɪt; 'sjuː-] ;美式音標讀作:['sʊpɚ'mɑrkɪt]。
supercenter:超級中心,它是指將廉價超市和折扣 百貨商店結合在一起的綜合商場,銷售額中至少有40%來源於非食品類商品.美國人常用。,