當前位置:首頁 » 購物指南 » 英語購物話題可以聊什麼用
寧波奧德賽優惠價格 2021-03-15 14:26:02
丹尼斯購物卡能掛失么 2021-03-15 14:25:58
淘寶購物指紋驗證失敗 2021-03-15 14:24:44


發布時間: 2021-03-03 15:51:05

A. 請問下跟講英語的外國人聊天什麼話題可以聊,什麼話題不可以聊呢(口頭聊天的那種,不用深入)謝謝哦

天氣 工作 音樂 購物 交通情況

年齡 工資 兩性 他人隱私

B. 以購物習慣為話題的情景英語口語對話,急用考試


C. 跟講英語的外國人聊天什麼話題可以聊,什麼話

- 從天氣開始談 the weather is lovely/pissed.
- 工作近況 hows work recently.
- 家人 how s family/mum/dad (如果曾經見過或認識對方的家庭成員專,可以聊得屬更多)
- 朋友 how s ***'s doing/ do u know what s up with *** recently? (最好是共同的朋友)。
- 配偶/愛人/戀人 (基於那個老外是你比較熟的朋友)



D. 我16歲,她40歲,我們學英語想聊借東西的話題,有什麼話題是我們可以聊起來的呢


E. 關於購物的英語對話


A:What can i do for you?
B:I"m looking for a sweater.
A:Let me show you.What about this one?
A:It's too big for me and I don't like the colour.
B:Let me show you another.This is the most beautiful in my shop.Think abou it,please.It's noy too expensive.It's100yuan.
A:How much is it?
B:It's100yuan.It's worth buying.
A:OH,it is little big for me.Do you have a small size?
B:yes.Wait a minute please.
A:MMM~It fits me very well.OK,I will take it.Here's the money.
B:Thank you .Goodbye. 這篇是超簡單那種 Shop Assistant:SA
SA:Hello,what can I do for you?
C:I want to buy something follow this list about some toys,one chocolate and a pumpkin.
SA:Ok,wait a moment.
C:Thank you.
SA:These are the things you need,but the pumpkin,I need to go to warehouse to take it here,so sorry for a moment.
C:Ok,I will be here waiting for you.
SA:Ok,just a minute.
SA:Here is your pumpkin,it's very fresh.
C:Yep,thank you.
SA:Here you are these things for you.
C:Thank you,bye.
SA:Bye,welcome here again 這個稍微有點難度

F. 購物英語對話

1、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪兒?

B:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超級市場。
A:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you. 請等一下,我和你一道去。
B:Let's get a shopping cart. 我們去拿一輛手推車吧。
A:Good ideaA 好主意。
B:What are you going to buy? 你要買什麼?
A:Let's check out the fruit section first. 我們先去看看水果吧。
B:OK. I'd like some oranges. But they don't look quite ripe yet. 好的。我想買些橘子。但這些看起來還不太熟。
A:Look, nice fresh cherries! They are ripe and soft. I'll take some. 你看,多棒多新鮮的櫻桃!又熟又軟。我決定買一些。
B:I'll take some, too. 我也買一些吧。
A:Let's go to the snacks section. I want some chocolate and sweets. 我們去看看零食吧。我想買些巧克力和糖果。
B:OK. I'll go and buy some cakes. 好的。我去買些蛋糕。
A:Do you want to buy something else? 你還要買什麼嗎?
B:No. Let's go over to the check-out stand. 不買了。我們去收款台吧。
2、A: Can I help you? 有什麼可以幫忙的
B: Yes, please. I'm looking for a jacket. 謝謝, 我想看看夾克
A: What size do you wear: 你穿多大尺碼?
B: Large 大號
A: What color? 顏色?
B: Black 黑色
A: Any special brand? 什麼牌子的呢?
B: No. Just something simple and not too expensive.沒有要求,簡單不太貴的.
A: How about this one? 你看這點怎麼樣?
B: lt looks great! Can I try it on? 看起來不錯, 我可以試試嗎?
A: Sure. Go head. 當然可以, 你去試吧
B: How much is it? 多少錢?
A: It is only 80 yuan. 只要80塊
B: OK. I will take it. Thanks. 好的, 我要了, 謝謝.

G. 急需一篇以購物為話題的英語對話

Salesman: dear Sir, may I help you?
Man: Yeah, I want to buy a dress for my girl friend.
Salesman:(lookin at a young lady): Oh, your girl friend is so beautiful. I recommend this one.
Lady: Thank you, but can you tell us why do you suggest us to buy this one?
Salesman: As you see,this dress is of high quality and most of consumers can afford it.
Man: But the color of this one is too dark, while my firlfriend is fair skin.
Salesman: Then, how about this one? The material is also quite good.
Lady: But I think the style is out of date.
Man: I get the same feeling.
Salesman: All right. There is City Mall near by, I think you'll find what you want there. And there's a big sale. A lot of famous procts is on sale, you'll certainly get a big bargain.
Man: Thank you for this.
Salesman: Welcome, thank you for coming.

H. 求一以購物為主題的英語對話

1、A:, where are you going? 露西,你去哪兒?

B:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超級市場。
A:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you. 請等一下,我和你一道去。
B:Let's get a shopping cart. 我們去拿一輛手推車吧。
A:Good ideaA 好主意。
B:What are you going to buy? 你要買什麼?
A:Let's check out the fruit section first. 我們先去看看水果吧。
B:OK. I'd like some oranges. But they don't look quite ripe yet. 好的。我想買些橘子。但這些看起來還不太熟。
A:Look, nice fresh cherries! They are ripe and soft. I'll take some. 你看,多棒多新鮮的櫻桃!又熟又軟。我決定買一些。
B:I'll take some, too. 我也買一些吧。
A:Let's go to the snacks section. I want some chocolate and sweets. 我們去看看零食吧。我想買些巧克力和糖果。
B:OK. I'll go and buy some cakes. 好的。我去買些蛋糕。
A:Do you want to buy something else? 你還要買什麼嗎?
B:No. Let's go over to the check-out stand. 不買了。我們去收款台吧。
2、A: Can I help you? 有什麼可以幫忙的
B: Yes, please. I'm looking for a jacket. 謝謝, 我想看看夾克
A: What size do you wear: 你穿多大尺碼?
B: Large 大號
A: What color? 顏色?
B: Black 黑色
A: Any special brand? 什麼牌子的呢?
B: No. Just something simple and not too expensive.沒有要求,簡單不太貴的.
A: How about this one? 你看這點怎麼樣?
B: lt looks great! Can I try it on? 看起來不錯, 我可以試試嗎?
A: Sure. Go head. 當然可以, 你去試吧
B: How much is it? 多少錢?
A: It is only 80 yuan. 只要80塊
B: OK. I will take it. Thanks. 好的, 我要了, 謝謝.

I. 求英語達人幫我以「購物」為話題寫一組對話,,其中能涉及到網上購物的利弊,, 急急急啊 幫幫忙

李梅 Do you like to shop online?
海倫 Yeah. It's really convenient to shop from home. It also saves time.
李梅 I worry about identity theft online. It is easy for theives to steal my account number and password online.
海倫 That's not a problem as long as you use your own computer and only visit encrypted sites.
李梅 What about counterfeit goods?
海倫 Well, some places sell them. So you have to be careful where you shop.

希望對你有幫助 。